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Collective regulation of cell motility using an accurate density-sensing system.
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Allier C, Vincent R, Navarro F, Menneteau M, Ghenim L, Gidrol X, Bordy T, Herve L, Cioni O, Bardin S, Bornens M, Usson Y and Morales S
Dynamic quantitative analysis of adherent cell cultures by means of lens-free video microscopy.
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Allier C, Vincent R, Navarro F, Menneteau M, Ghenim L, Gidrol X, Bordy T, Herve L, Cioni O, Bardin S, Bornens M, Usson Y and Morales S
Lens-free video microscopy for the dynamic and quantitative analysis of adherent cell culture.
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Lens-free microscopy for 3D + time acquisitions of 3D cell culture.
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Direct transfection of clonal organoids in Matrigel microbeads: A promising approach toward organoid-based genetic screens.
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Picollet-D'Hahan N, Laperrousaz B, Porte S, Obeid P, Tollance A, Kermarrec F, Belda-Marin C, Romero-Millan A, Haguet V, Martin DK and Gidrol X
Encapsulated organoids & organ-on-a-chip platform for cancer modeling.
Proceedings of the Technical Digest - 63rd IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting, IEDM 2017, vol Part F134366, pp. 10.16.11-10.16.14
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3D polyelectrolyte scaffolds to mimic exocrine glands: A step towards a prostate-on-chip platform.
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A large-scale RNAi screen identifies LCMR1 as a critical regulator of Tspan8-mediated melanoma invasion.
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Allier C, Morel S, Vincent R, Ghenim L, Navarro F, Menneteau M, Bordy T, Herve L, Cioni O, Gidrol X, Usson Y and Dinten JM
Imaging of dense cell cultures by multiwavelength lens-free video microscopy.
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Berdeu A, Momey F, Laperrousaz B, Bordy T, Gidrol X, Dinten JM, Picollet-D'Hahan N and Allier C
Comparative study of fully three-dimensional reconstruction algorithms for lens-free microscopy.
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Berdeu A, Momey F, Laperrousaz B, Bordy T, Gidrol X, Dinten JM, Picollet-D'hahan N and Allier C
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miR-600 acts as a bimodal switch that regulates breast cancer stem cell fate through WNT signaling.
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Gidrol X, Laperrousaz B, Obeid P, Porte S, Gerbaud S, Kermarrec F, Haguet V, Dolega ME, Le Priol C, Allier C and Picollet D'Hahan N
Organoids-based high content screening in oncology.
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High-content monitoring of drug effects in a 3D spheroid model.
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Picollet-D’hahan N, Dolega ME, Freida D, Martin DK and Gidrol X
Deciphering cell intrinsic properties: A key issue for robust organoid production.
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Picollet-D'hahan N, Laperrousaz B, Porte S, Obeid P, Tollance A, Kermarrec F, Belda-Marin C, Romero-Millan A, Haguet V, Martin DK and Gidrol X
Encapsulated organoids & organ-on-a-chip platform for cancer modeling.
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MicroRNA degeneracy and pluripotentiality within a Lavallière-tie architecture confers robustness to gene expression networks.
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Gay O, Gilquin B, Assard N, Stuelsatz P, Delphin C, Lachuer J, Gidrol X and Baudier J
Refilins are short-lived Actin-bundling proteins that regulate lamellipodium protrusion dynamics.
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Momey F, Berdeu A, Bordy T, Dinten JM, Kermarrec Marcel F, Picollet-D’hahan N, Gidrol X and Allier C
Lensfree diffractive tomography for the imaging of 3D cell cultures.
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Rulina AV, Mittler F, Obeid P, Gerbaud S, Guyon L, Sulpice E, Kermarrec F, Assard N, Dolega ME, Gidrol X and Balakirev MY
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Abeille F, Vinjimore Kesavan S, Dolega ME, Gerbaud S, Allier C , Pouteau P, Icard B, Agache V, Gidrol X and Picollet-D’hahan N
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Allier CP, Kesavan SV, Cioni O, Momey F, Bordy T, Herve L, Morel S, Navarro F, Menneteau M, Chalmond B, Freida D, Sulpice E, Gidrol X and Dinten JM
Lensfree video microscopy: High throughput monitoring and cell tracking of 2D cell cultures.
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Wss1 metalloprotease partners with Cdc48/Doa1 in processing genotoxic SUMO conjugates.
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A kinome-targeted RNAi-based screen links FGF signaling to H2AX phosphorylation in response to radiation.
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Bhajun R, Guyon L, Pitaval A, Sulpice E, Combe S, Obeid P, Haguet V, Ghorbel I, Lajaunie C and Gidrol X
A statistically inferred microRNA network identifies breast cancer target miR-940 as an actin cytoskeleton regulator.
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Diakite MLY, Rollin J, Jary D, Berthier J, Mourton-Gilles C, Sauvaire D, Philippe C, Delapierre G and Gidrol X
Point-of-care diagnostics for ricin exposure.
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Controlled 3D culture in Matrigel microbeads to analyze clonal acinar development.
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Gabriel M, Balle D, Bigault S, Pornin C, Getin S, Perraut F, Block MR, Chatelain F, Picollet-D'hahan N, Gidrol X and Haguet V
Time-lapse contact microscopy of cell cultures based on non-coherent illumination.
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Φ-score: A cell-to-cell phenotypic scoring method for sensitive and selective hit discovery in cell-based assays.
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Segmentation of image data from complex organotypic 3D models of cancer tissues with markov random fields.
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Vaillier C, Honegger T, Kermarrec F, Gidrol X and Peyrade D
Involvement of membrane proteins and ion channels on the self-rotation of human cells in a non-rotating AC electric field.
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Abeille F, Mittler F, Obeid P, Huet M, Kermarrec F, Dolega ME, Navarro F, Pouteau P, Icard B, Gidrol X, Agache V and Picollet-D'hahan N
Continuous microcarrier-based cell culture in a benchtop microfluidic bioreactor.
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Allier CP, Kesavan SV, Coutard JG, Cioni O, Momey F, Navarro F, Menneteau M, Chalmond B, Obeid P, Haguet V, David-Watine B, Dubrulle N, Shorte S, van der Sanden B, Di Natale C, Hamard L, Wion D, Dolega ME, Picollet-D'hahan N, Gidrol X and Dinten JM
Video lensfree microscopy of 2D and 3D cultures of cells.
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Dolega ME, Wagh J, Gerbaud S, Kermarrec F, Alcaraz JP, Martin DK, Gidrol X and Picollet-D'hahan N
Facile bench-top fabrication of enclosed circular microchannels provides 3D confined structure for growth of prostate epithelial cells.
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Parallelized contact imaging and automated analysis of cell migration dynamics. P
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Toll-like receptor 3 regulates cord blood-derived endothelial cell function in vitro and
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Kesavan SV, Momey F, Cioni O, David-Watine B, Dubrulle N, Shorte S, Sulpice E, Freida D, Chalmond B, Dinten JM, Gidrol X and Allier C
High-throughput monitoring of major cell functions by means of lensfree video microscopy.
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An EWOD-based microfluidic chip for single-cell isolation, mRNA purification and subsequent multiplex qPCR.
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Sukkurwala AQ, Martins I, Wang Y, Schlemmer F, Ruckenstuhl C, Durchschlag M, Michaud M, Senovilla L, Sistigu A, Ma Y, Vacchelli E, Sulpice E, Gidrol X, Zitvogel L, Madeo F, Galluzzi L, Kepp O and Kroemer G
Immunogenic calreticulin exposure occurs through a phylogenetically conserved stress pathway involving the chemokine CXCL8.
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Vaillier C, Honegger T, Kermarrec F, Gidrol X and Peyrade D
Comprehensive analysis of human cells motion under an irrotational AC electric field in an electro-microfluidic chip.
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Wu N and Gidrol X
The wind rose of human keratinocyte cell fate.
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Agaësse G, Barbollat-Boutrand L, Sulpice E, Combe S, Obeid P, Kharbili ME, Lamartine J, Gidrol X, Berthier-Vergnes O and Masse I
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Bruniaux J, Sulpice E, Mittler F, Texier I, Gidrol X and Navarro FP
Cationic lipid nanoemulsions for RNAi screening.
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Delta-like 4 inhibits choroidal neovascularization despite opposing effects on vascular endothelium and macrophages.
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Erratum in
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Dolega ME, Allier C, Vinjimore Kesavan S, Gerbaud S, Kermarrec F, Marcoux P, Dinten J-M, Gidrol X and Picollet-D’Hahan N
Label-free analysis of prostate acini-like 3D structures by lensfree imaging.
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Elsen S, Collin-Faure V, Gidrol X and Lemercier C
The opportunistic pathogen
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Freida D, Lecourt S, Cras A, Vanneaux V, Letort G, Gidrol X, Guyon L, Larghero J and Thery M
Human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells regulate biased DNA segregation in response to cell adhesion asymmetry.
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Grelier A, Cras A, Balitrand N, Delmau C, Lecourt S, Lepelletier Y, Riesterer H, Freida D, Lataillade JJ, Lebousse-Kerdiles MC, Cuccini W, Peffault de Latour R, Marolleau JP, Uzan G, Larghero J and Vanneaux V
Toll-like receptor 3 regulates cord blood-derived endothelial cell function in vitro and
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Haguet V, Obeid P, Griffin R, Freida D and Gidrol X
Parallelized lensfree time-lapse microscopy.
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Time-lapse screening by parallelized lensfree imaging.
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A prospective study of bone marrow hematopoietic and mesenchymal stem cells in type 1 Gaucher disease patients.
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Pseudomonas aeruginosa prise en flagrant délit de casse !
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Liu J, Bombera R, Leroy L, Roupioz Y, Baganizi DR, Marche PN, Haguet V, Mailley P and Livache T
Selective individual primary cell capture using locally bio-functionalized micropores.
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Picollet-D'hahan N, Gerbaud S, Kermarrec F, Alcaraz JP, Obeid P, Bhajun R, Guyon L, Sulpice E, Cinquin P, Dolega ME, Wagh J, Gidrol X and Martin DK
The modulation of attachment, growth and morphology of cancerous prostate cells by polyelectrolyte nanofilms.
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Probing ciliogenesis using micropatterned substrates.
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Barrey E, Jayr L, Mucher E, Gospodnetic S, Joly F, Benech P, Alibert O, Gidrol X, Mata X, Vaiman A and Guerin G
Transcriptome analysis of muscle in horses suffering from recurrent exertional rhabdomyolysis revealed energetic pathway alterations and disruption in the cytosolic calcium regulation.
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Boussaoud A, Fonteille I, Collier G, Kermarrec F, Vermont F, Tresallet E, De Waard M, Arnoult C and Picollet-D’hahan N
A miniaturized planar patch-clamp system for transportable use.
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Delta-like 4 inhibits choroidal neovascularization despite opposing effects on vascular endothelium and macrophages.
Angiogenesis, 2012,
15(4): 609-622
Erratum to: Delta-like 4 inhibits choroidal neovascularization despite opposing effects on vascular endothelium and macrophages.
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Ghenim L, Kaji H, Nishizawa M and Gidrol X
Impedance sensing of biological processes in mammalian cells In Integrated Biomaterials for Biomedical Technology, Edited by Ramalingam M, Tiwari A, Ramakrishna S and Kobayashi H, Wiley, 2012, pp. 293-308
Lecourt S, Vanneaux V, Cras A, Freida D, Heraoui D, Herbi L, Caillaud C, Chomienne C, Marolleau JP, Belmatoug N and Larghero J
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Liu J, Hébert C, Pham P, Sauter-Starace F, Haguet V, Livache T and Mailley P
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Liu J, Pham P, Haguet V, Sauter-Starace F, Leroy L, Roget A, Descamps E, Bouchet A, Buhot A, Mailley P and Livache T
Polarization-induced local pore-wall functionalization for biosensing: from micropore to nanopore.
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Menger L, Vacchelli E, Adjemian S, Martins I, Ma Y, Shen S, Yamazaki T, Sukkurwala AQ, Michaud M, Mignot G, Schlemmer F, Sulpice E, Locher C, Gidrol X, Ghiringhelli F, Modjtahedi N, Galluzzi L, André F, Zitvogel L, Kepp O and Kroemer G
Cardiac glycosides exert anticancer effects by inducing immunogenic cell death.
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Navarro FP, Berger M, Guillermet S, Josserand V, Guyon L, Neumann E, Vinet F and Texier I
Lipid nanoparticule vectorization of indocyanine green improves fluorescence imaging for tumor diagnosis and lymph node resection.
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Navarro F, Sulpice E and Gidrol X
Des nanovecteurs pour l’ARN interférence thérapeutique.
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Wu N, Rollin J, Masse I, Lamartine J and Gidrol X
p63 regulates human keratinocyte proliferation via MYC-regulated gene network and differentiation commitment through cell adhesion-related gene network.
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Wu N, Sulpice E, Obeid P, Benzina S, Kermarrec F, Combe S and Gidrol X
The miR-17 family links p63 protein to MAPK signaling to promote the onset of human keratinocyte differentiation.
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Barrey E, Saint-Auret G, Bonnamy B, Damas D, Boyer O and Gidrol X
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Toxint'patch: A briefcase-sized system for toxin detection using planar patch-clamp. Validation of an integrated and automated patch clamp device.
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Gay O, Gilquin B, Nakamura F, Jenkins ZA, McCartney R, Krakow D, Deshiere A, Assard N, Hartwig JH, Robertson SP and Baudier J
RefilinB (FAM101B) targets filamin A to organize perinuclear actin networks and regulates nuclear shape.
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Refilin holds the cap.
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Kauffmann P, Nussbaumer J, Masse A, Jeandey C, Grateau H, Pham P, Reyne G and Haguet V
Self-arraying of charged levitating droplets.
Analytical Chemistry, 2011,
83(11): 4126-4131
Picollet-D’hahan N
Live cell analysis: When electric detection interfaces microfluidics.
Biochips & Tissue chips, 2011, S1
Saint-Auret G, Danan J-L, Hiron M, Blache C, Sulpice E, Tendil S, Daveau M, Gidrol X and Salier JP
Characterization of the transcriptional signature of C/EBPß isoforms (LAP/LIP) in Hep3B cells: Implication of LIP in pro-survival functions.
Journal of Hepatology, 2011,
54(6): 1185-1194
Wu N, Castel D, Debily MA, Vigano MA, Alibert O, Mantovani R, Iljin K, Romeo PH and Gidrol X
Large scale RNAi screen reveals that the inhibitor of DNA Binding 2 (ID2) Protein is repressed by p53 family member p63 and functions in human keratinocyte differentiation.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2011,
286(23): 20870-20879
Boussaoud A, Fonteille I, Kermarrec F, Arnoult C and Picollet-D'hahan N
A briefcase sized system for toxin detection using planar patch-clamp.
µTAS Pays-Bas, 2010, 339-341
Aude-Garcia C, Collin-Faure V, Bausinger H, Hanau D, Rabilloud T and Lemercier C
Dual roles for MEF2A and MEF2D during human macrophage terminal differentiation and c-Jun expression.
Biochemical Journal, 2010,
430(2): 237-244
Briancon-Marjollet A, Balenci L, Fernandez M, Esteve F, Honnorat J, Farion R, Beaumont M, Barbier E, Remy C and Baudier J
NG2-expressing glial precursor cells are a new potential oligodendroglioma cell initiating population in N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea-induced gliomagenesis.
Carcinogenesis, 2010,
31(10): 1718-1725
Ghenim L, Kaji H, Hoshino Y, Ishibashi T, Haguet V, Gidrol X and Nishizawa M
Monitoring impedance changes associated with motility and mitosis of a single cell.
Lab on a Chip - Miniaturisation for Chemistry and Biology, 2010,
10(19): 2546-2550
Gilquin B, Cannon BR, Hubstenberger A, Moulouel B, Falk E, Merle N, Assard N, Kieffer S, Rousseau D, Wilder PT, Weber DJ and Baudier J
The calcium-dependent interaction between S100B and the mitochondrial AAA-ATPase ATAD3A and the role of this complex in the cytoplasmic processing of ATAD3A.
Molecular and Cellular Biology, 2010,
30(11): 2724-2736
Gilquin B, Taillebourg E, Cherradi N, Hubstenberger A, Gay O, Merle N, Assard N, Fauvarque MO, Tomohiro S, Kuge O and Baudier J
The AAA+ ATPase ATAD3A controls mitochondrial dynamics at the interface of the inner and outer membrane.
Molecular and Cellular Biology, 2010,
30(8): 1984-1996
Huillard E, Ziercher L, Blond O, Wong M, Deloulme JC, Souchelnytskyi S, Baudier J, Cochet C and Buchou T
Disruption of CK2ß in embryonic neural stem cells compromises proliferation and oligodendrogenesis in the mouse telencephalon.
Molecular and Cellular Biology, 2010,
Jacquot JF, Le Bail JL, Bardet M and Tabony J
Exposure of biological preparations to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields under low gravity.
Review of Scientific Instruments, 2010,
81(11): 115103
Kauffmann P, Pham P, Masse A, Kustov M, Honegger T, Peyrade D, Haguet V and Reyne G
Contactless dielectrophoretic handling of diamagnetic levitating water droplets in air.
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2010,
46(8): 3293-3296
Mercey E, Obeïd P, Glaise D, Calvo-Munoz ML, Guguen-Guillouzo C and Fouqué B
The application of 3D micropatterning of agarose substrate for cell culture and
in situ comet assays.
Biomaterials, 2010,
31(12): 3156-3165
Nagarajan M, Veyrieras JB, de Dieuleveult M, Bottin H, Fehrmann S, Abraham AL, Croze S, Steinmetz LM, Gidrol X and Yvert G
Natural single-nucleosome epi-polymorphisms in yeast.
PLoS Genetics, 2010, 6(4): e1000913
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Picollet-D'hahan N, Fouqué B and Gidrol X
Translating microtechnologies into tissue engineering, pharmacology and cancer research.
Bio Tech International, 2010,
22(4): 6-9
Pitaval A, Tseng Q, Bornens M and Théry M
Cell shape and contractility regulate ciliogenesis in cell cycle arrested cells.
The Journal of Cell Biology, 2010, 191(2): 303-312
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Sordel T, Kermarrec F, Sinquin Y, Fonteille I, Labeau M, Sauter-Starace F, Pudda C, de Crecy F, Chatelain F, De Waard M, Arnoult C and Picollet-D'hahan N
The development of high quality seals for silicon patch-clamp chips.
Biomaterials, 2010,
31(28): 7398-7410
Tabony J
Biological self-organisation by way of reactive processes In
Morphogenesis: Origins of patterns and shapes, Bourgine, P. and Lesne, A. Eds., Springer Press, 2010, pp 87-106
Tenenhaus A, Guillemot V, Gidrol X and Frouin V
Gene association networks from microarray data using a regularized estimation of partial correlation based on PLS regression.
IEEE-ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2010,
7(2): 251-262
Varnier A, Kermarrec F, Blesneac I, Moreau C, Liguori L, Lenormand JL and Picollet-D'hahan N
A simple method for the reconstitution of membrane proteins into giant unilamellar vesicles.
Journal of Membrane Biology, 2010,
233(1-3): 85-92
Azioune A, Storch M, Bornens M, Thery M and Piel M
Simple and rapid process for single cell micro-patterning.
Lab on a Chip - Miniaturisation for Chemistry and Biology, 2009,
9(11): 1640-1642
Barrey E, Mucher E, Jeansoule N, Larcher T, Guigand L, Herszberg B, Chaffaux S, Guerin G, Mata X, Benech P, Canale M, Alibert O, Maltere P and Gidrol X
Gene expression profiling in equine polysaccharide storage myopathy revealed inflammation, glycogenesis inhibition, hypoxia and mitochondrial dysfunctions.
BMC Veterinary Research, 2009,
5: 29-51
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Bouchet A, Descamps E, Mailley P, Livache T, Chatelain F and Haguet V
Contactless electrofunctionalization of a single pore.
Small, 2009, 5(20): 2297-2303
Gabriel M, Picollet-D'hahan N, Block M and Haguet V
Monitoring adherent cells by contact imaging.
µTAS, Corea, 2009,
1: 278-280
Gabriel M, Picollet-D'hahan N, Block M and Haguet V
Monitoring adherent cells by contact imaging.
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (µTAS) 1, 2009, 278-280
Gidrol X, Fouque B, Ghenim L, Haguet V, Picollet-D'hahan N and Schaack B
2D and 3D cell microarrays in pharmacology.
Current Opinion in Pharmacology, 2009,
9(5): 664-668
Griffin R, Sustar A, Bonvin M, Binari R, del Valle Rodriguez A, Hohl AM, Bateman JR, Villalta C, Heffern E, Grunwald D, Bakal C, Desplan C, Schubiger G, Wu CT and Perrimon N
The twin spot generator for differential Drosophila lineage analysis.
Nature Methods, 2009,
6(8): 600-602
Kauffmann P, Chetouani H, Pham P, Haguet V and Reyne G
Magnetophoretic and dielectrophoretic actuations coupled with diamagnetic trapping in air and liquids.
Sensor Letters, 2009,
7(3): 470-474
Mugherli L, Burchak O N, Balakireva L A, Thomas A, Chatelain F and Balakirev M Y
In situ assembly and screening of enzyme inhibitors with surface-tension microarrays.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition England, 2009,
48(41): 7639-7644
Murn J, Mlinaric-Rascan I, Maltère P, Frouin V, Vaigot P and Gidrol X
Myc is a critical hub in the BCR-regulated transcriptional network controlling proliferation and apoptosis of mouse B cells.
BMC Genomics, 2009,
10: 323-336
Picollet-D'hahan N, Fonteille I, Marcel-Kermarrec F, Weiss N, Arnoult C, de Waard M and Gidrol X
Toxint'patch: An automated and portable cell-on-chip device for toxin detection in food and environment.
Advances in Microarray Technology, 2009, Stockholm
Pozzi S, Merico D, Zambelli F, Pavesi G, Robert A, Maltere P, Gidrol X, Mantovani R and Vigano MA
Transcriptional network of p63 in human keratinocytes.
Plos One, 2009,
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Rollin J, Bréchet C, Régina S, Tenenhaus A, Guyétant S and Gidrol X
The intracellular location of ID2 expression has a predictive value in non-small-cell lung cancer.
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Thevenon D, Engel E, Avet-Rochex A, Gottar M, Bergeret E, Tricoire H, Benaud C, Baudier J, Taillebourg E and Fauvarque MO
The Drosophila ubiquitin-specific protease dUSP36/Scny targets IMD to prevent constitutive immune signaling.
Cell Host and Microbe, 2009,
6(4): 309-320
Auliac C, Frouin V, Gidrol X and d'Alché-Buc F
Evolutionary approaches for gene regulatory network inference.
BMC Bioinformatic, 2008,
9: 91
Balakirev MY and Wilkinson KD
OTU takes the chains OUT.
Nature Chemical Biology, 2008,
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Brianon-Marjollet A, Balenci L, Farion R, Fernandez M, Barbier E, Esteve F, Remy C and Baudier J
Implication of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells in central nervous system tumors.
Bulletin du Cancer, 2008,
95: S61-S61
Gidrol X, Wu N, Frouin V and Debily MA
Inférence des réseaux de régulation transcriptionnelle.
Médecine/sciences, 2008,
24: 629-634
Gruel G, Voisin P, Vaurijux A, Roch-Lefevre S, Grégoire E, Maltere P, Petat C, Gidrol X, Voisin P and Roy L
Broad modulation of gene expression in CD4-Lymphocyte subpopulmations in response to low doses of ionizing radiation.
Radiation Research, 2008,
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Hubstenberger A, Labourdette G, Baudier J and Rousseau D
ATAD 3A and ATAD 3B are distal 1p-located genes differentially expressed in human glioma cell lines and present
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Experimental Cell Research, 2008,
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Kwon M, Godinho S, Chandhok NS, Ganem NJ, Azioune A, Thery M and Pellman D
Mechanisms to suppress multipolar divisions in cancer cells with extra centrosomes.
Genes and Development, 2008,
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Murn J, Alibert O, Wu N, Tendil S and Gidrol X
Prostaglandin E2 regulates B-cell proliferation through a candidate tumor suppressor, Ptger4.
Journal of Expimental Medicine, 2008,
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Thery M and Bornens M
Get round and stiff for mitosis.
Hfsp Journal, 2008,
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Balenci L, Saoudi Y, Grunwald D, Deloulme JC, Bouron A, Bernards A and Baudier J
IQGAP1 regulates adult neural progenitors
in vivo and vascular endothelial growth factor-triggered neural progenitor migration
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Journal of Neuroscience, 2007,
27(17): 4716-4724
Castel D, Debily MA, Pitaval A and Gidrol X
Cell microarrays for functional exploration of genomes.
Methods in Molecular Biology, 2007,
381: 375-384
Chetouani H, Jeandey C, Haguet V, Rostaing H, Dieppedale C, Jacquot J-F, Kerlin T and Reyne G
Principle and analysis of a two-dimensional on-chip magnetophoresis of bioparticles for contamination-free biochemical reactors.
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2007,
43(4): 1673-1676
Cuvelier D, Thery M, Chu YS, Dufour S, Thiéry JP, Bornens M, Nassoy P and Mahadevan L
The universal dynamics of cell spreading.
Current Biology, 2007,
17: 1-6
Fink J, Thery M, Azioune A, Dupont R, Chatelain F, Bornens M and Piel M
Comparative study and improvement of current cell micro-patterning techniques.
Lab On Chip, 2007,
7(6): 672-680
Fouqué B, Brachet AG, Gétin S, Pégon P, Obeïd P, Delapierre G and Chatelain F
Improvement of yeast biochip sensitivity using multilayer inorganic sol-gel substrates.
Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2007,
22: 2151-2157
Huang Y, Laval SH, van Remoortere A, Baudier J, Benaud C, Anderson LV, Straub V, Deelder A, Frants RR, den Dunnen JT, Bushby K and van der Maarel SM
AHNAK, a novel component of the dysferlin protein complex, redistributes to the cytoplasm with dysferlin during skeletal muscle regeneration.
FASEB J, 2007,
21(3): 732-742
Lemaire F, Mandon CA, Reboud J, Papine A, Angulo J, Pointu H, Diaz-Latoud C, Lajaunie C, Chatelain F, Arrigo AP and Schaack B
Toxicity assays in nanodrops combining bioassay and morphometric endpoints.
PLoS ONE, 2007,
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Marie-Claire C, Courtin C, Robert A, Gidrol X and Roques B
Sensitization to the conditioned rewarding effects of morphine modulates gene expression in rat hippocampus.
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Pages D, Sanchez L, Conrod S, Gidrol X, Heulin T and Achouack W
Exploration of intraclonal strategies facing cadmium toxicity of Pseudomonas brassicacearum.
Environmental Microbiology, 2007, 9: 2820-2835 | |
Raponi E, Agenes F, Delphin C, Assard N, Baudier J, Legraverend C and Deloulme JC
S100B expression defines a state in which GFAP-expressing cells lose their neural stem cell potential and acquire a more mature developmental stage.
Glia, 2007,
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Robine N, Uematsu N, Amiot F, Gidrol X, Barillot E, Nicolas A and Borde V
Genome-wide redistribution of meiotic double-strand breaks in
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Molecular and Cellular Biology, 2007,
27: 1868-1880
Simon A, Girard-Egrot A, Sauter F, Pudda C, Picollet D'Hahan N, Blum L, Chatelain F and Fuchs A
Formation and stability of a suspended biomimetic lipid bilayer on silicon submicrometer-sized pores.
Journal of Colloid Interface Science, 2007,
Sordel T, Kermarec-Marcel F, Garnier-Raveaud S, Glade N, Sauter F, Pudda C, Borella M, Chatelain F, Bruckert F and Picollet-D’hahan N
Influence of glass and polymer coatings on CHO cell morphology and adhesion.
Biomaterials, 2007,
28(8): 1572-1584
Tabony J
Self-organization and other emergent properties in a simple biological system of microtubules.
Complexus, 2007,
3(4): 200-210
Tabony J
Self-organisation and higher level emergent phenomena in a population of microtubules.
NeuroQuantology, 2007,
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Tabony J, Rigotti N, Glade N and Cortès S
Effect of weightlessness on colloidal particle transport and segregation in self-organising microtubule preparations.
Biochysical Chemistry, 2007,
127(3): 172-180
Thery M and Bornens M
L’adhérence guide la polarité cellulaire.
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Thery M, Jimenez-Dalmaroni A, Racine V, Bornens M and Julicher F
Experimental and theoretical study of mitotic spindle orientation.
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Balenci L, Clarke ID, Dirks PB, Assard N, Ducray F, Jouvet A, Belin MF, Honnorat J and Baudier J
IQGAP1 protein specifies amplifying cancer cells in glioblastoma multiforme.
Cancer Research, 2006,
66(18): 9074-9082
Barrey E, Mucher E, Robert C, Amiot F and Gidrol X
Gene expression profiling in blood cells of endurance horses completing competition or disqualified due to metabolic disorder.
Equine Veterinary Journal Supplement, 2006,
36: 43-49
Burchak ON, Jaquinod M, Cottin C, Mugherli L, Iwai K, Chatelain F and Balakirev MY
Chemoenzymatic ubiquitination of artificial substrates.
7(11): 1667-1669
Burchak ON, Mugherli L, Chatelain F and Balakirev MY
Fluorescein-based amino acids for solid phase synthesis of fluorogenic protease substrates.
Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry,
14(8): 2559-2558
Castel D, Pitaval A, Debily MA and Gidrol X
Cell microarrays in drug discovery.
Drug Discovery Today, 2006,
11(13-14): 616-622
Chetouani H, Jeandey C, Haguet V, Rostaing H, Dieppedale C and Reyne G
Diamagnetic levitation with permanent magnets for contactless guiding and trapping of microdroplets and particles in air and liquids.
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, IEEE International Magnetics Conference, 2006,
42(10): 3557-3559
Coecke S, Ahr H, Blaauboer BJ, Bremer S, Casati S, Castell J, Combes R, Corvi R, Crespi CL, Cunningham ML, Elaut G, Eletti B, Freidig A, Gennari A, Ghersi-Egea JF, Guillouzo A, Hartung T, Hoet P, Ingelman-Sundberg M, Munn S, Janssens W, Ladstetter B, Leahy D, Long A, Meneguz A, Monshouwer M, Morath S, Nagelkerke F, Pelkonen O, Ponti J, Prieto P, Richert L, Sabbioni E, Schaack B, Steiling W, Testai E, Vericat JA and Worth A
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Cortès S, Glade N, Chartier I and Tabony J
Microtubule self-organisation by reaction-diffusion processes in miniature cell-sized containers and phospholipid vesicles.
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Denoual M, Macé Y, Le Pioufle B, Mognol P, Castel D and Gidrol X
Vacuum casting to manufacture a plastic biochip for highly parallel cell transfection.
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De Seranno S, Benaud C, Assard N, Khediri S, Gerke V, Baudier J and Delphin C
Identification of an AHNAK binding motif specific for the Annexin2/S100A10 tetramer.
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Dubacq C, Chevalier A, Courbeyrette R, Petat C, Gidrol X and Mann C
Role of the iron mobilization and oxidative stress regulons in the genomic response of yeast to hydroxyurea.
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Fuchs A, Romani A, Freida D, Medoro G, Abonnenc M, Altomare L, Chartier I, Guergour D, Villiers C, Marche PN, Tartagni M, Guerrieri R, Chatelain F and Manaresi N
Electronic sorting and recovery of single live cells from microlitre sized samples.
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Glade N, Beaugnon E and Tabony J
Ground-based methods reproduce space-flight experiments and show that weak vibrations trigger microtubule self-organisation.
Biophysical Chemistry, 2006,
121(1): 1-6
Gruel G, Lucchesi C, Pawlik A, Frouin V, Alibert O, Kortuewski T, Zarour A, Jacquelin B, Gidrol X and Tronik- Le Roux D
Novel microarray-based method for estimating exposure to ionizing radiation.
Radiation Research, 2006,
166: 746-756
Larderet G, Fortunel NO, Vaigot P, Cegalerba M, Maltere P, Zobiri O, Gidrol X, Waksman G and Martin MT
Human side population keratinocytes exhibit long-term proliferative potential and a specific gene expression profile and can form a pluristratified epidermis.
Stem Cells, 2006,
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Le Brigand K, Russell R, Moreilhon C, Rouillard JM, Jost B, Amiot F, Magnone V, Bole-Feysot C, Rostagno P, Virolle V, Defamie V, Dessen P, Williams G, Lyons P, Rios G, Mari B, Gulari E, Kastner P, Gidrol X, Freeman TC and Barbry P
An open-access long oligonucleotide microarray resource for analysis of the human and mouse transcriptomes.
Nucleic Acids Research, 2006,
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Mucher E, JayR L, Rossignol F, Amiot F, Gidrol X and Barrey E
Gene expression profiling in equine muscle tissues using mouse cDNA microarrays.
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Mugherli L, Burchak ON, Chatelain F and Balakirev MY
Fluorogenic ester substrates to assess proteolytic activity.
Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2006,
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Rochon C, Frouin V, Bortoli S, Giraud-Triboult K, Duverger V, Vaigot P, Petat C, Fouchet P, Lassalle B, Alibert O, Gidrol X and Piétu G
Comparison of gene expression pattern in SP cell populations from four tissues to define common "stemness functions".
Experimental Cell Research, 2006,
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Sordel T, Garnier-Raveaud S, Sauter F, Pudda C, Marcel F, De Waard M, Arnoult C, Vivaudou M, Chatelain F and Picollet d'Hahan N
Hourglass SiO
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HOX11L2/TLX3 is transcriptionally activated through T-cell regulatory elements downstream of BCL11B as a result of the t(5;14)(q35;q32).
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Historical and conceptual background of self-organization by reactive processes.
Biology of the Cell, 2006,
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Microtubules viewed as molecular ant colonies.
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Self-organisation and other emergent properties in a simple biological system of microtubules.
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Théry M and Bornens M
Cell shape and cell division.
Current Opinion in Cell Biology, 2006,
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Vigano MA Lamartine J, Testoni B, Merico D, Alotto D, Castagnoli C, Robert A, Candi E, Melino G, Gidrol X & Mantovani R
New p63 targets in keratinocytes identified by a genome-wide approach.
EMBO Journal, 2006,
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Baghdoyan S, Lamartine J, Castel D, Pitaval A, Roupioz Y, Franco N, Duarte M, Martin MT, Gidrol X
Id2 reverts cell cycle arrest induced by gamma irradiation in human HaCat keratinocytes.
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Balakirev MY, Porte S, Vernaz-Gris M, Berger M, Arié JP, Fouqué B and Chatelain F
Photochemical patterning of biological molecules inside glass capillary.
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Decraene C, Benchaouir R, Dillies MA, Israeli D, Bortoli S, Rochon C, Rameau P, Pitaval A, Tronik-Le Roux D, Danos O, Gidrol X, Garcia L and Pietu G
Global transcriptional characterization of SP and MP cells from the myogenic C2C12 cell line: Effect of FGF6.
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Fouqué B, Schaack B, Obeïd P, Combe S, Gétin S, Barritault P, Chaton P and Chatelain F
Multiple wavelength fluorescence enhancement on glass substrates for biochip and cell analyses.
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Franco N, Lamartine J, Frouin V, Le minter P, Petat C, Leplat JJ, Libert F, Gidrol X and Martin MM
Low-dose exposure to gamma rays induces specific gene regulations in normal human keratinocytes.
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Gaugiran S, Gétin S, Fedeli JM, Colas G, Fuchs A, Chatelain F and Dérouard J
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Gentil BJ, Benaud C, Delphin C, Remy C, Berezowski V, Cecchelli R, Feraud O, Vittet D and Baudier J
Specific AHNAK expression in brain endothelial cells with barrier properties.
Journal of Cellular Physiology, 2005,
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Glade N and Tabony J
Brief exposure to high magnetic fields determines microtubule self-organisation by reaction-diffusion processes.
Biophysical Chemistry, 2005,
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Jacquelin B, Kortulewski T, Vaigot P, Pawlik A, Gruel G, Alibert O, Soularue P, Joubert C, Gidrol X and Tronik-Le Roux D
A novel pathway for megakaryocyte production following
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Blood, 2005,
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Lamartine J, Franco N, Le Minter P, Soularue P, Alibert O, Leplat JJ, Gidrol X, Waksman G and Martin M
Activation of an energy providing response in human keratinocytes after γ irradiation.
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CD98, a novel marker of transient amplifying human keratinocytes.
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Monitoring the interaction between DNA and transcription factor (MEF2a) using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy.
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Roupioz Y, Castel D, Pitaval A, Baghdoyan S and Gidrol X
Puces à cellules et génomique fonctionnelle.
Médecine/sciences, 2005, 21: 535-38
Schaack B, Reboud J, Combe S, Fouqué B, Berger F, Boccard S, Filhol-Cochet O and Chatelain F
A ‘drop-chip’ cell array for high throughput DNA and siRNA transfection combined with drug screening.
NanoBiotechnology, 2005,
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Tcherniuk SO, Chroboczek J and Balakirev MY
Construction of tumor-specific toxins using ubiquitin fusion technique.
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Combined nanogap nanoparticles nanosensor for electrical detection of biomolecular interactions between polypeptides.
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Crystal structure of human otubain 2.
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Picollet-D’hahan N, Sordel Y, Garnier-Ravéaud S, Sauter F, Pudda C, Ricoul F, Marcel F and Chatelain F
A silicon-based multi-patch device for ion channel current sensing.
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Otubains: A new family of cysteine proteases in the ubiquitin pathway.
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Barritault P, Gétin P, Chaton P, André B, Vinet F and Fouqué B
Optical thin film serving biotechnology: Fluorescence enhancement of DNA chips.
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Balakirev MY, Jaquinod M, Haas A and Chroboczek J
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