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Cellular cycle (Prostate Cancer)

Published on 16 September 2022
Project leader

Lamya Ghenim
Institut de recherche interdisciplinaire de Grenoble
Laboratoire BGE
Équipe Biomics
17 avenue des Martyrs
38 054 Grenoble cedex 09
Phone: 33 (0)4 38 78 91 87

Project description

Lens-less video microscopy has made it possible to remove certain limits in observation of cell, allowing for the dynamic observation of cellular life, both microscopically and mesoscopically, over a wide field of view and over time periods ranging from a few days to several weeks. Furthermore, it enables to evaluate cell-to-cell variability using a very large number of cells. Based on this approach we recently started a new quantitative study of the human cell cycle (cell growth and proliferation) observing the kinetics of thousands of cells without any synchronization or labelling, over a wide field of (29.4 mm2) and over periods of up to several days (several cell cycles), and with a fairly rapid acquisition rate (5 min). Thus, we hope to better characterize the human cell cycle of both healthy and cancerous cell.

Publication (lens-less microscopy project)

Allier C, Morel S, Vincent R, Ghenim L, Navarro F, Menneteau M, Bordy T, Herve L, Cioni O, Gidrol X, Usson Y and Dinten JM
Imaging of dense cell cultures by multiwavelength lens-free video microscopy.
Cytometry A, 2017, 91(5): 433-442